
My mind is so complicated that somehow I’m frightened away of certain things or situations that I don’t dare to get close or involve with. Even though sometimes when I’m forced to experience it, it was not that awful as I thought. But the mind that keep swirling inside my head felt so annoying that suddenly I felt the panic attack rush through my blood. My heart will start pumping faster and my mind will star playing those not eventful images inside my head. I think some people called it phobia. But can you actually be phobia of reception??? It just sound out of place. Reception phobia???

Everytime I’ve got invitation letter, I’ve felt that I need to escape somewhere just to get some legitimate reasons not to attend the event.

erghhhh….so damn complicated my mind can be….

just a feelin i have

Suddenly today, late afternoon after i came back from work…i just felt so lonely…i don’t know why

sometimes i have this kind of feeling just pop out from nowhere and make me feel gloomy the whole day…fiuhh…hate it when it happens

procastinating is the worst

Actually today is quite hectic..hmm i think hectic is not the right word

supposedly i have this task that i should be accomplished within a week but it seems like a lot of things need to be done. And i’m not very sure where to start..I did try a little bit here and there…still the biggest problem is PROCASTINATION…so many temptations that withdraw me from my focus..which SHOULD BE focusing 100% on things that i need to be focus on.’s so hard…just can’t stop myself from browsing nothing and now i had spent 2 hours doing nothing related to my task…gee..i’m counting days now…*sigh….come on move your butt and start working….go..go..go


Well..this is totally new for me..writing

I guess this is one of that resolution thing that I try to do

pour down all my thoughts

and just  type it down i guess…