Your voice

It’s not the first
But it always felt like the first
Still nervous
Even though is not unease
But kind of glad to hear
The sound of …
Felt like a gentle flow of
But addictive
Felt like to listen to..
Over and over again
If time allowed
If you willing
Let me hear you
Over and over again


Saat rasa itu ada
Bergenggamlah padanya
Jangan terlalu erat dan janganlah terlalu lepas
Rasa itu ada karena kesempatan
Apabila terlewati
Menguaplah rasa itu
Berikan waktu untuk berkembang
Dan janganlah diabaikan
Karena apabila saatnya tiba
Rasa itu akan berkembang
Menjadi lebih baik atau tidak
Itu kembali semuanya padamu

Morning Untitled

Slowly the rain pouring down
Gloomed by the grey colour of sky
Relaxed by the gentle feeling of universe
Rushed by the ticking of time

Felt like sitting down by the road side
Gently looking up to the sky
Feeling the water slowly falling down my face
Embrace the sensation of the calm weather

Listening to the sweet music
Looking thru the window
Gazing thru the morning rush
Just enjoying the moment before starting a new day

@otw in one cloudy morning

Wise man

I came across a person who is so resourceful. The mobility that he has is very high. Travelled to most of the places. Able to answer every big to little questions. If I didn’t know, I might thought he as a wise man. A man who knows more but yet still very grounded.
He’s you’re average guy but of course with attitudes. Why not? A man with that kind of capability, is a man that has his own pride.
With high end gadget in both hands, manage to observe and give supportive feedbacks to surrounding.

Looking at myself which still complaining about not enough time for everything. Still this man amazed me with how his time is so compact that still able to smile to every questions and still able to offer solutions to every problem.

Is not how much time that we have in a day, but is how we able to do things effectively. That’s what I’ve learened but yet it so darn hard to practice.


Found a stream that flow gently in this dry land
Embraced by the soothing feeling that surfaced
A feeling so tender that remind me of home
Along the stream, I took my steps
Day and night I carefully sat by the stream try to see through how wide and deep the stream could be

Step by step I discovered how beautiful the stream is
Still embracing the warm feeling that quickly grow I walked along

At the edge of the stream, so I thought
It remains a dry land

Sweet Song of You

Holding my old guitar,
humming the melody of longing
Thingking bout you,
my fingers strumming the sweet music of yearning

Your words are the sweet embrace
It brings back smile that once gone
Your words are the one that I seek
every now and then

Holding my old guitar,
singing a sweet song for you
That I’m missing you now
And now I’m singing out for you


Sang surya perlahan tapi pasti telah keluar dari peraduannya
Menandakan hari baru telah dimulai
Sinar cahaya yang menyinari, sekilas menyiratkan kecerian di pagi hari
Menemani setiap aktifitas yang mulai beranjak memenuhi seisi kota
Hangatnya sinar mentari mendamaikan hati
Membawa secercah senyum bagi mereka yang menikmati

Wahai sang surya, kuucapkan selamat pagi.

@Somewhere under the sun